Queen’s Bath, North Shore Kauai

Queens bath 4I heard about Queen’s Bath from a friend of mine. It is located on the north shore of Kauai in Princeville. It is pretty hard to get to and I would not recommend a visit for people with kids under 7 or Adults who are not strong hikers.

On the day we went it was a little rainy and the trail down to the Queen’s bath was slippery and pretty treacherous. My husband and son had to help carry  a women back to the top of the hill when she discovered half way down that she couldn’t mQueens bath waterfallake the decent without falling. It really made me think that you have to get out and explore the world while you are still able to do so. That is why if you are reading this blog and are heading to Kauai and are still fit and able to, visit the Queen’s bath! Walking down to the Queen’s bath you pass some gorgeous waterfalls.  You also pass this scary sign…

Queens bath 5The day we visited the Queen’s Bath the tide was low but there was still some crazy wave action in the nearby inlet. Basically this is a place you should not visit October – April or when the waves are high as high waves that have literally washed people out to sea.  Disclaimer! While I think the Queen’s Bath is an amazing experience it is DANGEROUS so don’t go if the conditions are not right. We were there in August and it was nice and safe that day.

So what is the Queen’s bath? Basically it is a natural tidal pool that is formed in a lava shelf on the side of a hill. When the tide is high the surf comes crashing in through an inlet, refreshing the pool and bringing fish, and crabs and other marine life into it. It is basically a natural saltwater swimming pool in the most beautiful setting ever. It is called the Queen’s Bath because the Queen of Hawaii used to bathe here. Below is a picture of me snorkeling in the pool.

Kauai, Queens Bath

Queens bath 1The water is clear and filled with marine life. (Left) We took masks and snorkels so that we could have a good look. Other people there borrowed ours. Remember to take yours with you. Queens bath 2

Queen’s Bath is one of those special places that takes a bit of work to get to but because of this it is not over run with tourists and feels like a private paradise.Queens bath 10

Tip:Take water, towels, mask. Please leave no garbage!

Not for those with out strong mobility and balance.  We came across many people halfway down that were turning back. Be aware of your hiking ability.

Location: Princeville, Kauai.


Published by Victoria

I am Victoria Renton. Professor at Sheridan College, Pilon School of Business. I am a Tourism Marketing specialist with extensive international sales, major airline negotiations and tourism development expertise. I started blogging when I went to Europe with kids in July 2010 as a way of sharing my adventures with friends back home. As a Digital Marketing Professor, I like to try new technologies with students and stay current with Social Media Trends and this Blog has been a great home base for that. It is a place that I share my travels, ideas, success and failures. I am glad you stopped by.

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